Your heart is one of the most important organs in the body. If your heart is having issues, it must be diagnosed and treated quickly to ensure you don’t have long-term effects on your health. One of the most common diagnostic tests used to check the heart is an echocardiogram. Similar to an ultrasound, it utilizes high-frequency sound waves to produce images of the heart. Unlike other diagnostic tests, the echocardiogram is painless and does not make use of radiation. The results of an ... [Read More]
Archives for May 2020
How Is a Pulmonary Function Test Performed?
Difficulty breathing, chest tightness, shortness of breath – these are all signs that something may be awry with your lung (pulmonary) function. If you tell your doctor that you are experiencing these symptoms, the physician will likely recommend some tests. To check how well your lungs are working, your doctor may recommend that you undergo a pulmonary function test (PFT). This test most often involves the use of a spirometer, which measures lung capacity, volume, gas exchange, and rates of ... [Read More]
10 Ways to boost your weight-loss confidence
Everyone’s weight loss journey is personal. No two experiences are exactly alike. Some days may be easy but many more will be very challenging. It is not uncommon for someone trying to lose weight to feel like giving up some days. It takes confidence and determination to stick to your weight loss program and to believe that your body is capable of change. Here are 10 ways to boost your weight-loss confidence. 1. Be Kind To Yourself Confidence is born out of deep love for yourself. If you ... [Read More]
Symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency
If your veins have issues sending blood back to your heart, you will notice symptoms like the pooling of blood in your legs and bulging veins. This condition is called venous insufficiency, and it can turn chronic and become a long-term issue for patients that have it. Chronic venous insufficiency affects approximately 20 percent of adults in the United States, with women more prone to developing the condition than men. By the age of 50, approximately 40 percent of women may be affected by ... [Read More]